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Let's read some reviews published in overseas media. Vairery called the film "like a steroid-enhanced version of the 1953 western Shane," but said that placing a child in the center of the story reduced the intelligence of the film to that of middle school students . It pointed out. No other specific opinions were mainly seen, and he concluded, "The purpose of this work is to make Black Adam appear splendidly and fight a more suitable enemy in the near future."
US IndieWire also criticized, saying, "As a result of Hollywood's most risk-averse movie star clashing with Hollywood's most risk-averse movie genre, the result was predictably bad." Regarding the depiction of "JSA", he wrote that it still felt like an imitation of the Avengers and X-Men. Regarding this point, The Hollywood Reporter also pointed out that it appeared "as if it had already been introduced in another movie".
The Washington Post of the United States advanced the brush in a peculiar way. "Black Adam progresses with predictable action scenes, boring fight scenes, and the now obligatory main character sacrifice. But the freedom fighters must follow the laws of war. The political theme of whether or not it gives the film a bit of spice, though whether that's enough to make Black Adam stand out in a superhero movie oversaturation? do not know".
Although the criticism continued to be bitter, British Empire was positive, evaluating it as "an interesting work in general". He praised Black Adam's greatest strength as being an antihero, "where superpowers are portrayed as terrifying", and Dwayne Johnson's ruthless superhero as "different and welcome". .
US Deadline mentions the visual effects and the impact of Dwayne Johnson. Apparently, this work has a flashy explosion scene, and he expressed that "I haven't seen so many things flying around the screen since Michael Bay's heyday." The progress of the story is that those who are not deeply familiar with the DC characters will be left behind, but "All that is left is to look at the images on a grand scale without complaining. The special effects always have a presence, and the whole movie. He dominates, but Mr. Johnson is still exceptional." "The Rock is always the center of every scene he appears in."
Similarly, the British Guardian found Dwayne Johnson to be worth seeing, saying that "Johnson's huge frame, planet-sized head, and flair for tongue-in-cheek humor all make him a great superhero." The Hollywood Reporter also said that this work has graphic graphic images with slow motion and blood splashing like Zack Snyder's "300 <Three Hundred>" (2007), and the macho aspect of DC mythology. , reports that there is also a connection with the work of Zack Snyder.
US Collider said that the introduction to the world of Kardak, which is the stage, is too much information and McGuffin-like, and the depiction of the villain is "common" as a "comical villain" in order to balance the main character Adam, who is an anti-hero. It is pointed out that On the other hand, positive views were also mixed, and while Black Adam was an anomaly, it was evaluated that it fits well with the DC world that I have seen for the past 10 years. "Not all the puzzle pieces of the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) fit together" and "It's not a total course correction for the DCEU", but it does show the deliciousness of new characters for the future. Praise.
The fact that Pierce Brosnan , a former James Bond actor, will play the role of the hero of "JSA", Doctor Fate, is also something to look forward to. Collider said, "Seeing a former Bond actor in a CGI superhero suit looks a bit funny, but Brosnan eats every scene with his charisma." Variety said, "Pierce Brosnan's Doctor Fate. is brilliant with some minor Doctor Strange touches" and "at least gives the visual effects team a fun gimmick.
"Black Adam" is the story of unconventional hero Black Adam, who awakens from a 5000-year slumber and goes on a rampage while the dangerous hero corps "JSA" stands in his way. It's a long-awaited project that star Dwayne Johnson has wanted to make into a film for years, and he himself has been in talks with Warner executives. Shazam's villain was originally called "Shazam!" I was scheduled to appear.
Dwayne is confident that he will change the DC Universe, but the results will be revealed after the US public release (October 21). It will be released in Japan from December 2, 2022.