World best business opportunity in the world | Low investment franchise | World business opportunity | How to make money from home

 World best business opportunity in the world . Low investment franchise . World business opportunity . How to make money from home 

In this era, what kind of business do people living abroad do and earn profits?

  • How do overseas residents succeed in online business?
  • Businesses such as tourism and study abroad have disappeared and we want to shift to online.
  • I have no idea where to start.
  • I want to hire locally, be a housewife or work online.
  • I have no idea what to sell.
  • I would like to increase my sales online.

Are you having this problem too?


hello. My name is Kono from Contents Lab, which supports the businesses of overseas residents.
Over the past 14 years, we have consulted with more than 3,300 people living overseas about starting a business.

From 2020 to 2021, when the movement of people disappeared, we have continued to support hundreds of people.

I found two things in it.
One is that even now, there are many opportunities for people living overseas.

Another thing is that some people living overseas are trying hard to sell "things and services that don't sell" because the information is not correct, or they don't know how to sell properly, so they continue to "not sell". is to

There are so many people who have successful businesses right now but do not realize that they are missing out on opportunities because of the image of a stagnating economy.

Even so, our client has been quietly producing results for the past year in a business that is in line with the times.

Therefore, this time, based on those cases, we will provide a web seminar format for those living overseas about the business ideas they should do now, how to attract customers, and how to put them on track.

This is insider information. I don't think you can find it on the internet. So I don't know how long it will be open to the public. Go ahead while you can.

Just part of the webinar.

It's just a part of the web seminar, but I'm talking about this.

<Section 1>: What kind of business do you do? What is a successful business for expats?

  • 2022 latest version. Thorough explanation of overseas internet business success cases
  • Three Teppan Businesses for Overseas Residents
  • Let's diagnose your business idea by type.
  • A turtle-type business that makes money easily if you put up with it. A rabbit-type business that earns profits in a very short period of time. The difference and how to choose.
  • Two super-simple check items for judging products that sell and those that don't
  • What is the difference between when Japanese products sell well overseas and when they don't?
  • How to turn an ordinary product into a product that sells like hot cakes
  • How to make yourself a product and do business without using SNS
  • services, merchandise and content. Just these three.
  • A business model that can be started without deciding on a product when there is a theme that vaguely interests you
  • Taxes, Laws, and Visas for Overseas Residents ~ Learn about money schemes that can only be done overseas
  • This is the only reason why I want you to do a subscription for the time being
  • Ideas for commercialization of subscriptions
  • Why Beginners Should Price As High As Possible
  • Purchasing strategies for overseas residents that do not fail
  • Online shop product selection - how to avoid falling into the pitfalls of failing before you start when doing an EC site
  • How to choose a service industry - What is a low-risk and easy-to-success service industry? ~
  • The ultimate online business, the point of designing content sales
  • If you want to resell on Buyer, AMAZON, or eBay, you will get burned unless you understand this.
  • why start a business ã€œTo avoid confusion between purpose and means〜
  • How to set a price - What is the theory of price setting that does not fail? ~

<Section 2> How to sell? Attracting customers and marketing to maximize results

  • What is "activation" to know in advance whether a business idea will succeed?
  • What are the three basic routes for attracting customers?
  • What is the correct way to use advertising to maximize results with a small budget?
  • How to make money with blogging and social media without burning yourself out
  • What is the single most important point of view for current search engine measures?
  • How to use 2-step marketing to make high-priced items more and more?
  • Copywriting course ~ Double your sales with one word. How to use Easy Copy
  • How to create a website ~ Minimize cost and time and maximize effectiveness ~
  • How to attract customers without forcing yourself to post on SNS and blogs
  • Know the formula for increasing sales ~ What is a funnel that automatically increases customers? ~
  • Marketing Thorough Explanation-What is the marketing method that you can't miss? ~
  • Don't get hung up on the homepage! Why you don't need a website for your online business
  • The only truth that will surely make you money ~ Come on! Let's take the first step~
  • Don't use Japanese tools. -The sad reason why you should not use the customer attraction tool even if it is easy to use-
  • Use automation tools that let your business autopilot without you doing the work.

<Section 3> How to further increase earnings? Tips and steps to double your sales

  • If you are not good at IT, outsource everything cheaply. procedures and methods.
  • What are the tips for creating a system that allows business to run anywhere?
  • Points to reduce management stress to zero and work as a team
  • Why a business can only grow or sell
  • Differences by business between horizontal and vertical expansion to expand earnings
  • This is the only reason why email newsletters are the only way to turn prospects into money.
  • What is the meaning of the overwhelming number of products that are lacking in 80% of online shops where sales do not grow?
  • 5 templates of iron plate sales mail that works for any product
  • The frequency and content of email newsletters that will definitely increase sales is like this.
  • For Japan, use affiliate advertising to stably increase sales by 20% or more.
  • Meaning that raising LTV is the biggest and only purpose.
  • 10 measures to increase repeat.
  • Using the mass media and working with influencers will not increase sales.
  • Eliminate the work of the president. The basics of staff recruitment and utilization.
  • Proven. Recruitment and hiring templates that hire good staff use this.
  • Here's why you don't need a team meeting

(The content is subject to change.)

Just a small part. We talk about viable business ideas, sales methods, growth cycles, etc. for those with and without funds.

Latest | Business cases where overseas residents are producing results

Successful people do not secretly tell others.
In this era when the premise has changed, I will tell you an example of a business that an overseas resident makes the most of being an overseas resident.
Even in the past year, people living overseas have achieved results in this kind of business.

  • An example of selling a wine course online
  • Sales of study abroad mediation business became 0, monetization with French online subscription service
  • The tourism industry has reached 0 sales, and monetization has been achieved through the Italian online lesson subscription service.
  • Monetize with life coaching monthly billing service
  • Monetize with interior designer training course (all online)
  • Monetize online sales of CBD-related products
  • Monetize with Online Secretarial Services
  • Monetize by selling tea and food from India
  • Profitable by providing 3D CAD production services in South America where labor costs are low 
  • Monetize with Permanent Makeup Artist Course (Online)
  • Profitability in the end-of-life support business originating in the United States
  • An example of commercialization beyond the level of a side business by selling handmade accessories
  • Expanding earnings through interior-related e-commerce without exclusive sales
  • Online coaching program for dog owners

Countless businesses are profitable.
This seminar will cover this topic as well.

(Part of the content may be changed to the latest version.)

Bonus interview | How did apparel EC sales that had stagnated for 10 years more than tripled?

Are you worried like that?

In fact, the president who started a business in Vietnam for 10 years was one of them.

In the early days of the company, we were one of the first to start selling made-to-order suits online, which grew steadily

However, it also hit a plateau due to geographical restrictions and staff recruitment issues.

When I thought about it again, one answer was a return to online sales and partnerships with experts.
It was around this time that I changed from being a consultant to directly participating in management.

Since then, I have continued to carry out detailed competitive analysis and data analysis of my company, renewing the website and remodeling the marketing.
The site will be renewed in April 2017. One year later, online sales tripled.

Don't we want to know "what" and "how"?

Back when I was still able to travel abroad, I had a frank conversation at my office in Vietnam.
Although it has never been released to the public, we have made this pattern available for you to view.

Lecturer introduction


â–  Name
Tatsuo Kawano

Main work
Contents Lab Co., Ltd. Representative director
Apparel D2C company Order Company company officer

â– Career
Engaged in operations and marketing at a general manufacturer system consultant, a US PC manufacturer, a mobile communication venture, and a content planning and distribution company.
Founded Contents Lab in 2005 and shifted to consulting business in 2008. Currently, I travel overseas for about 100 days a year, mainly for overseas clients.
For half a year after starting the business, it did not fly and could not acquire customers.
It boasts the No. 1 number of clients as an online business consulting company specializing in overseas residents.
As an officer of the apparel EC launched with the client, the annual sales increased more than 5 times in 3 years.

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